Sunday, May 31, 2009

Running, earphones, and running with earphones

Today I ran at 10 a.m., later than I’d planned. I drove down to Valley Green and parked in the upper lot. I realized that this lot offers several advantages over parking next to the Valley Green Inn.  Foremost among these is the opportunity provided to begin warming up by walking from the lot to Forbidden Drive.

When I got to the drive, I saw a table for what looked like another run. (It turned out not to be.) Concerned that the route to Northwestern Avenue would again be crowded with event runners, I ran the same route as yesterday.

The temperature was again in the high 60s or low 70s with low humidity, and I ran almost entirely in the shade. Coming off of yesterday’s four-mile run, I was concerned that I’d have a harder time on the hilly route, but my fears were unjustified. I had a very nice run. Only one hill towards the end was a minor challenge, but not enough to cause any discouragement. I finished my run in 32’30”.

I did notice, however, a problem with my otherwise wonderful earphones. I recently purchased a pair of Sennheiser MX55 Twist-to-Fit headphones.  Unlike in-the-ear-canal phones, these have been designed specifically to stay in the ear during activity. I’ve had no problem, in fact, with them falling out while running.

Problem is, I didn’t get the sport version, so I’m finding that my perspiration flows into the right phone. This hasn’t caused it to short out or otherwise fail. Today, however, I noticed some high levels of treble distortion and a metallic vibrating sound. As the perspiration grew, the problem worsened.

Perhaps perspiration has accumulated inside the phone. I’m hoping that  a day off from use will allow it to dry out so that the next time I won’t have this problem.

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