Sunday, May 24, 2009

It’s the humidity

Another tough run today. I went out to Valley Green at about 11. The temperature was already in the mid-80s. While the humidity wasn’t bad for sitting around, it wasn’t great for running. I came off of a night in which I finally got to sleep around 1 a.m. and was able to get up at 9. Then I had a light breakfast—4 ounces of orange juice, coffee, and half a bagel with salmon cream cheese.

Psychologically, I had a lot staked on this run. Yesterday’s experience was so bad that I felt I had to have a good three-mile run today just to keep my motivation up over the long term. Friday’s run wasn’t great either. Problem is, I fear allowing discouragement to win out and to stop me from running. I imagine a chain that leads to failure: “Oh, it’s too hard today? Just take it a little easier.” The chain of excuses grows. Before long, I’ve given up running.

Today’s run began without too many problems. I warmed up with a slow trot followed by some stretching. Then I began what I’d hoped would be a three-mile run at the 2-1/2 mile marker by the Valley Green Inn. By the first half mile, though, I was beginning to feel discouraged. I felt that whatever I did, I couldn’t get enough air into my lungs. Nevertheless, my heart rate was staying in or below the aerobic zone. Then, too, perhaps I just didn’t have the psychological resources today to push myself harder.

Around the first mile, I was feeling better, but about a quarter of a mile on, my breathing became uncomfortable again. Finally, 15 or 16 minutes into the run, I decided to walk for about two minutes before attempting to run again.

I walked for two-and-a-half minutes and then ran for another miserable two before walking again. When I arrived at the 1-1/2 mile marker, I decided to try and run at least another half mile before calling it quits for the day. I began at a very slow, deliberate pace. This seemed to work. Not only did I get the half mile in but I continued another half mile, finishing where I started.

Measured by what I hoped to achieve going into the run, today’s was a failure. Yet measured by what I learned, it was a mild success. And what did I learn—or what do I think I learned? That slow trudge might be just what I need to make it through the onslaught of humidity that I’ll be facing throughout the summer. Perhaps my body will adjust to running in the humidity. I’ll look forward to some of the discomfort dissipating. Finally, I have to learn to work with the psyche I have. A little give-and-take between my cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal, and nervous systems is a good thing. Maybe my psyche knows more about the body than I give it credit for—but not too much.

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