Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sweat gets in your eyes (and more about Gu)

Today I had a good run. I needed it, too, because, over the past four weeks or so, I've had some pretty bad runs. Runners know the kinds of bad runs I'm talking about: legs feeling heavy at mile two of a four-mile run, a sense that you can never get your breathing to work so that you don't have to think about it, an absence of the runner's high.

I'm still not sure why I felt so good, but I can identify a few factors. First, the weather was gorgeous: bright blue skies, low humidity, temperature in the high 60s or low 70s. I also preceded the run by ingesting a Gu energy gel--Lemon Sublime in this case, about which more below--and consumed another one--Mint Chocolate--about 30 minutes into the run. I also attempted to be more deliberate in controlling my pace: I've learned that nothing can ruin a run as effectively as starting too fast.

I also returned to one of my favorite trails for the first time in two years. (Last summer was a bad running summer for me, and I did no trails.)  While I'd forgotten some details of the trail, I did find it easier than I had remembered it. Sure, there are a couple of somewhat steep climbs, but even they seemed less difficult than I remembered them. I'm inclined to run this trail a couple of days a week.

Of late, I've been running more and more without a sweat band or a cap, but that might be a mistake. It's warm enough, even now, that the sweat gets in my eyes. It's a minor annoyance, to be sure, but it does affect my ability to concentrate on my pace. In general, I tend to run too fast when I'm distracted.

As for the Gu gels: the Lemon Sublime stuck around too long in my mouth, but I enjoyed the Mint Chocolate. Neither of these have caffeine (and I'd had about 20 ounces of coffee not too long before running), but they seemed to be just what I needed for a good morning run.

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