Thursday, July 29, 2010

After a hiatus...

Over the past few weeks, a crazy schedule and insomnia have conspired to keep me from running. Today, however, everything worked out so that I could get up early and run. (The insomnia had precluded the morning runs.) Indeed, it works best for me to run early (although I'd prefer to run later), so perhaps I'm now in a position to get a rhythm going. The time off did give my right knee, which had been bothering me some, a needed rest.

Not having run in almost two weeks, I decided to limit myself to a four-mile run today. This also gave me an opportunity to depart from my usual six-mile course--down Forbidden Drive toward Lincoln drive, with about two miles on the orange trail--and to return to a segment of the orange trail I hadn't run much.

I arrived at Valley Green at 6 a.m. The temperature was around 80, and the air was humid--all the more reason to take it a bit easier. This time I headed towards Northwestern Avenue. When I reached the first bridge, about a mile out at Rex Avenue, I switched to a part of the orange trail that I've only run three or four times. It was nice to return to the trail, but I also realized that I'd have to pay attention to the ground in front of me--something that I had been doing without thinking before the hiatus. Nevertheless, I found the return to the trail mildly exhilarating.

Still, in the spirit of taking it easy, I only followed the trail as far as the covered bridge at Thomas Mill Drive. From there, I returned to Forbidden Drive, and followed it out to Bells Mill Road.

During the return leg of my run, it began to sprinkle. I've had few chances to run in the rain this year, because we've not had that much. I was hoping the rain would increase, but, alas, it soon petered out. Nevertheless, I finished my run just glad to be back out on the roads and trails.

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