Friday, June 25, 2010

Successful Loop

Today we experienced some relief from the humidity of the last few days. Thunderstorms yesterday afternoon preceded some drier air. Or, at least, that's what the weather folks were saying. If this were the case, I couldn't tell this morning. If anything, the air felt more humid then on Wednesday morning. But perhaps last year's mild summer spoiled me.

After Wednesday's run, during which I found finishing with the trail to be slightly more taxing than beginning on it, I decided that I'd get on the trail early. I headed towards Lincoln Drive on Forbidden Drive and, at the first bridge, crossed over to the orange trail. I also took advantage of the path that led to the Monastery House parking lot: this is a lot less steep then the orange trail at the same point, and it allows one to trudge up the hill without losing too much energy.

Due to yesterday's rain, the trail was damper than I'd seem it lately. This wasn't a problem, although I think I probably exercised more caution while running on the rocks. I was surprised to find so many people out with their dogs so early, but I was more surprised to encounter no other runners on the trail.

I found that I paced myself more successfully today than of late. While the beginning of the run seemed more difficult than usual--and I was running at a slower pace--I soon found myself becoming more comfortable. I also experimented with taking fewer walk breaks today, and I seem to have made time as a result.

I feel that I'm now as comfortable running the route I took today as if I had been running the entire time on Forbidden Drive. My familiarity with the trail continues to increase, and I hope that my ability to run the trail will also increase.

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