Today I headed for Forbidden Drive early, around 7 a.m. The air was unexpectedly chilly. The temperature was probably around 40. While I was dressed for the cool (although without my gloves), it did take some time to get warm.
When I arrived at Valley Green, I was greeted by the not uncommon sight of a goose and her six or eight goslings. I’m always ambivalent about the geese in Fairmount Park. The city discourages people from feeding them, because their droppings pollute the waterways from which much of our drinking water is processed. Therefore, they are, in a sense, something of a minor menace. Still, it’s hard not to find them amusing, even if their presence is less than welcome.
I ran five miles. Once again, I found myself running the first mile too quickly, but, since I wasn’t running that far, my early pace didn’t seem to have a deleterious effect on the latter part of my run. I also took the opportunity to push myself during a few intervals. It felt good, even if slightly taxing. Above all, it’s gotten me thinking more about pushing myself a bit more on my shorter runs.
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