Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The amazing benefits of stretching

I’ve been reading about stretching since I began running a few months ago. One of the chief lessons I’ve learned is that stretching is necessary to prevent injury and to running for many years.

When I began having foot pain two weeks ago, I turned to the internet in search of answer. The importance of stretching to prevent foot pain (including, of course, plantar fasciitis) featured prominently in every discussion that I encountered. Consequently, I started to integrate stretches for my foot and heel into my routine.

I’d been under the impression that the most immediate benefits of stretching were imperceptible: one simply gained a degree of flexibility that would aid in staving off an injury. Tonight, though, I learned that stretching actually can alleviate pain.

I went down to Forbidden Drive a little before 5 p.m. The skies were overcast, the temperature in the 60s, and the humidity low. Since I’m still taking it easy for the sake of my left foot (and I’m still experiencing some dull aches in the foot), I ran three miles. In fact, I ran a slower three miles than I usually do, finishing my run in a little under 36 minutes. I also ran without music, and I didn’t miss not having it tonight.

I drove home afterwards (a short distance from Valley Green) and began my stretching routine. Going into it, my foot was still sore, yet after doing some stretches for my foot and my heel, most of that dull ache went away! Hurrah!!!

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